Holding a grudge can damage your hands and your heart

Holding a grudge is like holding on to a piece of coal with the aim of throwing it at someone.

I heard that back in primary school. Didn’t really make much sense to me back then. However, as I got older it began to hit home.

Someone has done or said something to hurt us and we hold on to the hurt, we cling to it as if holding on to a rope as we dangle over the edge of a cliff.

This grudge, this hot lump of coal is burning the flesh off the palm of our hand as we wait for the person who hurt us to come into range so that we can throw it at them.

All this time the person has been getting on with their life. While we are agonising with this piece of hot coal. If the person did mean to hurt us, they have won twice. First from the initial incident and then the years of additional suffering we have inflicted on ourselves.

Don’t give them the satisfaction. Throw down that hot lump of coal.

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